Sections & Programs
Child Advocacy and Protective Services
This nationally recognized hospital based program was established in 1993 through the efforts of Dr. J. Glick. The CAPS team is comprised of an interdisciplinary group of professionals whose mission is to enhance the wellness of children by identifying, evaluating and advocating for children who present with all forms of child welfare concerns including neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse.

Jill C. Glick, MD - Professor of Pediatrics
Medical Director, Child Advocacy and Protective Services
Child Advocacy and Protective Services (CAPS) provides 24-hour consultation for the University of Chicago medical complex. Children and their families who present to our hospital with concerns for child maltreatment receive a comprehensive assessment, interdisciplinary review, which culminates in a consensus report. By operating on a collaborative, interdisciplinary, consensus building model, strong working relationships with internal and external groups have been established which promote seamless communication to ensure safety, appropriate medical care and necessary services for children and families.
The CAPS program has a strong commitment to scholarship, advocacy and research. Pediatric residents participate in a mandatory one month rotation where the curriculum includes a focus on advocacy with opportunity to observe court testimony and the Cook County Child Death Review interdisciplinary process. All of the CAPS staff commit time to community benefit efforts such as; participation in the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Child Abuse and Neglect and the Children’s Justice Task Force, which is a state citizen committee. Our research efforts include collaborative efforts with our Burn and Trauma services and across the midway with Chapin Hall.

Jill Glick, MD - Professor of Pediatrics
Medical Director, Child Advocacy and Protective Services; Child Abuse Pediatrician

Veena Ramaiah, MD - Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Director, CAPS Resident Rotation; Child Abuse Pediatrician

Kimberly Schwartz, MD - Clinical Associate of Pediatrics
Child Abuse Physician

Kristen Bilka, PA-C, MSBI
Physician Associate

Lindsay Forrey, LCSW
CAPS Clinical Program Manager

Dawn David, MHA
Program Manager, CAPS and MPEEC

Jen Stewart, LCSW
MPEEC Investigations Coordinator and Educator

MPEEC (Multidisciplinary Pediatric Education and Evaluation Consortium)
Dr. Glick is the Founder and Medical Director of the University of Chicago CAPS and MPEEC programs which are a nationally recognized for providing expert medical consultation to a mandatory population of children in Chicago who are reported to child welfare for serious harms. MPEEC is a medically informed, real time coordinated, interagency investigational process. MPEEC consortium partners include the Department of Children and Family Services and the child abuse pediatricians and their respective teams at Rush, Loyola, and Advocate Children's hospitals.
University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children's Hospital
Academic Pediatrics | Department of Pediatrics | The University of Chicago
Contact Us: 773.702.4900